Windshield Repair & Replacement – Mobile or In-Shop

Fast Windshield Replacements

Windshield repairs and replacments – as an ICBC Glass Express approved vendor, Action Glass is prepared to serve you with both mobile service – at your location – and in-shop service at our facility #101 – 86 North Bend St. Coquitlam. We’re fully equiped and centrally located in Coquitlam just off United Boulevard. You can drop your vehicle off  and pick it up the same day. If you need a ride to the office, we can arrange that for you too.

We also fix broken side or rear windows. Call us and we’ll get the process started right away. In most cases you don’t have to contact ICBC.

We deliver quick and safe windshield replacement service so you can hit the road again without ever compromising your safety.

Thanks to our team of techs’ know-how and the use of cutting-edge equipment, we’ve become a local choice for people in need of windshield replacement.

Windshield Replacement Mobile


What we need to know:

Do you have a valid ICBC policy with comprehensive coverage? Have your insurance papers on hand when calling. To file the claim we will need information from your policy.

Date the damage occurred

The cause of the the damage? Rock, vandalism?

Is there any other damage to that area? When more than one window is broken, or the vehicle sustained additional body damage, the claim must be reported to your insurance provider.

Any special features the window may have. For example: is your vehicle equipped with a rain sensor?

For more information,

visit ICBC’s webpage.
